Although remakes and reboots have always existed, there appears to be an increase in recent years. I don’t pay much attention to what kinds of movies are out there unless they are related to certain hobbies I enjoy, such as comic book movies. But I can’t stop thinking about how everything seems to be remakes, reboots, live-action adaptations, or spin-offs. Spin-offs are a little different. I won’t talk about them because they are usually unique in some way. However, the never-ending remakes, reboots, and live-action adaptations need to stop. Please create some original content.

First and foremost, a few disclaimers. There are some decent remakes out there from time to time. There are a few good live-action adaptations every once in a while. And lastly, there was a time when I wished for live-action adaptations of certain works. I’ve always thought that a number of video games would make excellent live-action films. However, it seems unlikely that those live-action adaptations would be done well, and if they weren’t, why bother making them in the first place? I’d rather not have a live-action adaptation than one that drastically alters the thing you’re adapting.

Do I have evidence of these never-ending remakes and reboots? Take a look at this list. To be honest, I had no idea that all of these movies were getting reboots or remakes. The Crow? Dirty Dancing? Starship Troopers? WarGames? The Birds? Escape from New York? Romancing the Stone? The Bodyguard? A Nightmare on Elm Street? Isn’t there already two versions of that one? And the list goes on.

Those are just remakes that will be released. Let us not forget the movies that are already out. A Star Is Born. Pet Sematary. American Psycho. Jacob’s Ladder. Mortal Kombat. Overboard. Firestarter. Charlie’s Angels. Tomb Raider. I’ve even heard rumors that Tomb Raider will be rebooted again. Cheaper by the Dozen. I know there were already two versions of that one because I saw the 2003 reboot with Steve Martin.

The list goes on. If I included them all, this post would become an endless list of movies. You can also look at this list. Now, it also includes sequels and spin-offs, which I believe can be different and thus less annoying, but it does depend on the material. I heard Top Gun: Maverick was good, but do we really need a fifth Indiana Jones film now that Harrison Ford is 80? I love Indiana Jones, but really?

So far, I’ve only mentioned movies. Don’t forget about the TV shows that are being rebooted right now. Saved by the Bell. The Proud Family. A League of Their Own (once a movie). The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. The series Battlestar Galactica. Charmed. Bewitched. They’ve already made a strange reboot film of that one. There are some that aren’t necessarily reboots, but rather continuations, but it’s still old material.

I think I proved my point.

And, to be honest, many of the newer versions aren’t all that great. They take away everything that made these older movies and shows great and add unnecessary elements. Let’s not ever even speak of that atrocious leaked script for the live-action PowerPuff Girls. That should be burned and never discussed again. It’s just so insulting to fans like me who grew up watching PowerPuff Girls.

I won’t go into detail, but I haven’t been impressed by the remakes, reboots, and adaptations I’ve seen recently. Important aspects are changed. They make fun of the older work. They include unnecessary stuff (like that PowerPuff Girls script adding in a lot of their sexual encounters). The remakes and adaptions are over modernized, making them quickly outdated. To be honest, this could be a separate topic with specific examples. But, in the end, the main point of this blog post is that I’m sick of seeing remakes and reboots.

I’m looking for something new. I don’t mean you have to create something completely unique. There are a lot of isekai anime, manga, and webtoons out there now, and many of them are very similar, but I still enjoy watching and reading them. They at least give you something unique with each version. I don’t mind if they reuse concepts or tropes. It’s difficult to come up with something completely original. I know because I like to write my own fiction. But, at the very least, stop remaking other people’s work. Nobody asked for them. We didn’t need them. And many of them aren’t very good.

I don’t mind the occasional remake. And I’d love to see a proper continuation of certain cartoons I used to watch as a kid, but done well. When I heard that Teen Titans ’03 was returning, I was overjoyed. I expected it to pick up where the show and movie left off, but instead we got Teen Titans Go!, which just doesn’t do it for me. I’d like to see a genuine continuation of the 2003 series.

In the end, I don’t see Hollywood, Netflix, Amazon, or whoever is behind all of these reboots slowing down anytime soon. They seem to have lost their creativity, in my opinion. Hopefully, they’ll be able to find it again, and we’ll be able to enjoy some unique and entertaining entertainment once again. For the time being, I’ll satisfy my appetite with anime, manga, and webtoons.

Are you tired of remakes and reboots or do you like them? Let me know in the comments section.